Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Beauty of God's timing

"For the beauty of each hour..Of the day and of the night"

When I think about time... I don't necessarily think of it being beautiful. I don't like time. It gets in the way of things! It constricts. It stresses me out. I'm always running out of it but there seems to be  too much of it! I am always waiting for things to happen and trying to stop things from happening. It's a vicious cycle of trying to control something that is quite obviously out of my control.
 How many of you feel this way?

One of the most important skills we can acquire is that of trusting is God's timing. Because God is perfect.. that also means his timing is perfect! (even when it doesn't seem perfect to us at the time).

 I love the scripture 2nd Nephi 26:24
 "He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him."

 The timing in your life is for your benefit. We know this because He is in charge of it! He who loves you so much that He laid down His very life for you so that you could live again. 

Why not trust Him? He has a perfect track record.

 I know if I was in charge of the timing of my own life I would have messed things up a long time ago. I am so grateful that I can find peace in the fact that God does have a plan for me. I know that God's timing is perfect and that we need to trust in it! Even if it doesn't make sense right at the moment. As we allow our faith and trust to overcome our impatience and worry, we will begin to see that things always work out. We will start living with a continued faith that His plan is better than ours.

Patience is key! Here is one of my favorite videos that help me understand the importance of God's timing. :)

I know that if we trust God with the timing of our lives.. we will be a lot less stressed out. So stop worrying. Let God take control of the timing of your life and everything will turn out like it should be. :)

"He hath made every thing beautiful in HIS time"

~Ecclesiastes 3:11

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