Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Beauty of God's Love

"For the love which from our birth.. over and around us lies"


From the moment we were born into this beautiful world, we were surrounded by love. Whether it be the love from our parents, grandparents, siblings, or friends that love has been there from the very beginning of our lives. But where does this love come from? Was it created? Or has it always existed?

The scriptures teach us that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). Because God is eternal that means Love is eternal too. It is deeply rooted within our souls because  Heavenly Father loved us first. He taught us how to love before the foundations of the world.  Truth be told, if we took away the love of parents, grandparents, siblings and friends.. that love, God's perfect love, would still be there for us to access. That is the beauty of His love. It is always there. Even when it doesn't seem like it!

Let me illustrate via Sister Chamberlain Story!

In January of 2013, I attended Snow College in Ephraim, UT. Ephraim is this little podunk town nestled in the the top of the mountains in eastern Utah. The winters in Ephraim are notoriously cold. In fact, they were so cold, while walking back to my apartment after my water fitness class my hair would freeze. It got so cold the sewer pipes froze. I think you get the picture. There was a period of about 2 weeks where I didn't see the sun. Now, if you know Sister Chamberlain.. you know that she needs the sun. Sun = happy Sister Chamberlain. Well, as you can imagine not seeing the sun for a couple weeks made me quite blue. I was in the pits! I would wake up in the morning and think to myself, "Is the sun going to make an appearance today?". I would be disappointed as I walked out into the gray, dreary wasteland of Ephraim UT. Pretty soon I questioned if the sun was even there!

Let's pause for a second. If we compare the sun in this story to God's love, how many of you have felt this way? Where the storms of adversity hit it's hard to feel God's love? And sometimes the clouds are so thick and the days are so long you wonder if He is even there? I'm am certain we have all had those days/weeks/ months.
Let me resume! The end of this story is a lot.. brighter.. then the first part.

One day I was feeling particularly depressed. I moped around campus like a little kid who dropped their ice cream. I was miserable. I kicked a clump of snow that no longer looked like snow but like a dirty diaper and complained and wallowed about how miserable Ephraim was. The Spirit whispered to me that I should pray. I thought to myself, "That's stupid. Why would I pray to make the sun shine". I remembered the counsel from my seminary teacher that you should pray the most when you don't want to pray at all. So I did. When I opened my eyes I was expecting the sun to burst forth out of the dreary Ephraim sky.. and a choir of heavenly angels to start singing...but alas.. I was left the grey sky which was gradually getting darker and darker. I went home depressed. The next morning I slumped out of bed and walked outside. Not expecting anything, I walk to class staring at the icy ground. I rounded the corner and looked up and beheld the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen. Warm tears started rolling down my cold cheeks as I exclaimed, "THE SUN!!! IT'S THE SUN! DO YOU SEE IT?! I SEE IT! IT EXISTS! ITS FOR REAL!!". I danced all the way to class.That whole day I made the distinct decision to point out the sun to everyone that I saw. "Hey, did you see the sun today? I did", "Hey, check out that yellow thing in the sky. Cool, right?"Granted, everyone thought I was crazy.. but that's okay! I learned that day that God will send a beautiful sunrise just to remind you that He loves you. And that love is always there!

This wonderful hymn compares God's love to the Sun! It perfectly describes it. Just like in this story.. the sun is always there... just like God's love is always there.

"Our Savior's love
Shines like the sun with perfect light,
As from above
It breaks thru clouds of strife.
Lighting our way,
It leads us back into his sight,
Where we may stay
To share eternal life."
Hymn #213

So maybe you are having a rough day. Or week. Or month. Or even year..  It feels like you haven't seen the sun in forever. Your days are dull, and gray. All I ask of you is to remember that God's love is there for you. Always. Even if you can't feel it! The sun is always hiding behind those clouds. It will always come up in the morning! Never lose that hope. And when you see that love, when you feel it.. Tell everyone you know. I give you permission to run around telling everyone, "GOD'S LOVE!! DO YOU FEEL IT?! I FEEL IT! IT EXISTS! IT'S FOR REAL!"...Because the other beautiful thing about God's love is that it is most often shared through other people. Parents, grandparents, siblings,friends, and all! His love truly is over and around us all the time.

Have a blessed day, y'all! And may the sun always be shining down on you :)

~Sister Alyssa Chamberlain 

 “Your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes, It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there."
 ~President Thomas S. Monson 

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